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Our center’s innovative programs will surely get you back on track!

We provide an environment uniquely suited to support your healing.

The physiology of addiction between men and women is very different, and thus requires different approaches to treatment. We provide structured and safe environment that is separated by gender.

A balanced lifestyle in recovery is the primary and ultimate treatment goal of Pinevale Addiction Center, and we utilize the therapeutic community as the primary treatment agent for change.

Pinevale gives hope to drug- and alcohol-addicted individuals, making long-term recovery a reality. The experienced and compassionate staff members join clients on their journey and walk with them for life.


Lograr una vida útil y feliz.


Basado en una experiencia espiritual que te dará la paz y tranquilidad que siempre has estado buscando.


Tu diario vivir inspirado en el amor, la comprensión, la tolerancia y el respeto.

8 Week Program

This rigorous 12-step program is the essential guideline for beating addiction in a highly effective way.